
Showing appreciation to your donors is incredibly important. In order for your organization to keep a strong relationship with them you need to show them some love! The typical hand-written “Thank You” card works, but if your looking for a more creative and personal way to show donors that you care here are five additional ways to consider when saying “Thanks.”

 Be fast – New donors usually require an engagement strategy that keeps them involved with your organization. Make sure to include a specific landing page or a ‘Thank You’ page once the donation is made. Another great way is what is typically called a ‘Welcome Series’. This can be a special 2-3 part email series that welcomes new donors.

Be creative – Sending your donors expensive gifts can sometimes send the wrong message so instead get creative! Send an e-card; make a personal phone call or even record a video message to make your “thank you” unique and special. Another creative way to thank your donors is by inviting them to see their donation at work.

Be tangible – Include results-oriented photography, show your donors what you’re doing with their investments. Impact stories should always be featured in your follow-up because these are a great representation of your organization’s effectiveness. This is a tangible way to show your donors how their donation is making a difference.

Be social – Your organization can make a heartfelt post on Facebook and Twitter or even a picture on Instagram that shows how their donation is being used. Enable donors to share their donations with their social networks. Keeping up the conversation, online and in person, is crucial when it comes to strengthening donor loyalty.

Be personal – Give your ‘Thank You’ some extra ‘oomph’ with a little design. Write a special thank you for donors according to their donation and involvement in your organization’s mission. Remember that personalization is always key in keeping the donor engaged. It shows you are paying attention to where and how they came to your organization.